SQLite3: LIKE-Operator is faster than datetime functions
Recently I saw some code where an archive table was queried for specific time spans. For example, sum up all records for a specific month or year. The WHERE-clause looked like this:
SELECT ... FROM archiv WHERE `date` LIKE '2012-12-% %:%:%'
My first intention was to refactor this with the documented sqlite datetime functions
but wanted to test how much faster it is. So I wrote two small Ruby scripts and
benchmarked it with time ruby bench.rb
(Tested on my Macbook Pro).
# bench.rb with LIKE
require 'sqlite3'
db = SQLite3::Database.new '/Users/ben/Downloads/solar.sqlite'
20.times do
# day span
db.execute("SELECT (MAX(`E-Total`) - MIN(`E-Total`)) FROM archiv WHERE `date` LIKE '2012-12-30 %:%:%'")
# month span
db.execute("SELECT (MAX(`E-Total`) - MIN(`E-Total`)) FROM archiv WHERE `date` LIKE '2012-12-% %:%:%'")
# year span
db.execute("SELECT (MAX(`E-Total`) - MIN(`E-Total`)) FROM archiv WHERE `date` LIKE '2012-%-% %:%:%'")
# bench.rb with strftime
require 'sqlite3'
db = SQLite3::Database.new '/Users/ben/Downloads/solar.sqlite'
20.times do
# day span
db.execute("SELECT (MAX(`E-Total`) - MIN(`E-Total`)) FROM archiv WHERE strftime('%Y-%m-%d', `date`) = '2012-12-30'")
# month span
db.execute("SELECT (MAX(`E-Total`) - MIN(`E-Total`)) FROM archiv WHERE strftime('%Y-%m', `date`) = '2012-12'")
# year span
db.execute("SELECT (MAX(`E-Total`) - MIN(`E-Total`)) FROM archiv WHERE strftime('%Y', `date`) = '2012'")
I ran all benchmarks three times and calculated the average.
| LIKE | strftime
real | 0m9.865s | 0m16.130s
user | 0m7.145s | 0m12.828s
sys | 0m2.691s | 0m3.246s
Surprisingly the LIKE-Operator is much faster then the strftime function. I don't know why it is, but I will keep the code as it is.