My name is Benjamin Knofe and I'm a developer from Berlin.
I love to create things with code.
- data and information visualization
- generative graphics and animation
- interactive installations
- experimental prototyping
- custom web applications
I like to use the following technologies:
openFrameworks, Processing, C++, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Git/GitHub,
(Arch)Linux, HTML5, Javascript and probably the new shiny thing, the
cool kids are playing with tomorrow.
You can see most of my work on github, vimeo or flickr.
I have written my diploma thesis in 2011.
The topic of my thesis is"Concept and prototypic implementation of a
software for information visualization". I have written a software, where
visual programming can be used to visualize complex data. So there is no
need for writing code, if you don't like to. See the pictures on flickr to
get an idea how it works. The software is called datasynth and is released
under the MIT-License.
Download thesis as PDF (German, CC-BY)
See source code on Github
See pictures on flickr
Please feel free to contact me via twitter!