File upload with Fabrication Gem
I ran into some problems when testing controller code with rspec and fixtures created by fabrication. Some tests failed because the file object was type casted to a string. So I googled around and found this blogpost how to fix it in your spec. Luckily you can use it in your fabricators, too. See this small example:
Fabricator(:media_item) do
file {'spec','fabricators','test.pdf')) }
type :pdf
There is a shortcut rails method for this, called fixturefileupload, but this didn't work for me in a fabricator.
2012-10-15 Followup
It has shown, that Rack::Test::UploadedFile
will not work in exactly the same way as Rails does. So if you are using Rails and want to have the exact
behaviour, use this little longer code:
Fabricator(:media_item) do
file {
:tempfile =>'spec','fabricators','test.pdf')),
:filename => File.basename('spec','fabricators','test.pdf')))
type :pdf